Meet Duygu
I'm a senior dev with 14 years of experience in almost all areas of NLP including search engine technology, speech recognition, text analytics and conversational AI.
I authored several publications in NLP area at conferences such as LREC CLNLP and ACL. I also enjoy working for open-source projects and I'm a contributor of spaCy library.
I earned my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering from METU, Ankara in 2010 and later earned her Master’s degree in Mathematics from Bilkent University, Ankara in 2012. I spent 2 years at University of Bonn for my PhD studies. I'm currently working as a senior engineer at Deepgram with a focus on speech recognition.
Originally from Istanbul, I'm currently living in Berlin, DE with my cute dog Adele.
Creative Machine

Research Interests
These days multilingual speech and language processing. I focus on how to represent speech across languages in a unified way. My previous research experience includes almost all tasks of NLP including, text classification, NER and NMT; I spent quite a lot of time with Medical NLP as well.
Coming to Turkish NLP, I'm training Turkish speech recognition models for my full time job; I also like to work on Turkish NLP on my spare time. I enjoy working on all pasrts of Turkish including morphosyntax, morphology, syntax and semantics.